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Three Phases of Opening Up America Again

Phase One:


  • Continue to shelter in place
  • Maximize physical distance
  • Avoid groups of more than 10 people
  • Minimize non-essential travel


  • Encourage telework
  • Return to work in phases
  • Close common areas and enforce social distancing
  • Minimize non-essential travel

Specific Types of Employers

  • Schools should remain closed
  • Visits to senior living facilities and hospitals should be prohibited
  • Large venues can operate under strict social distancing protocols
  • Elective surgeries can resume
  • Gyms can open if social distancing and sanitation protocols are met
  • Bars should remain closed


Phase Two:


  • Avoid social settings of more than 50 people
  • Non-essential travel can resume


  • Non-essential travel can resume

Specific Types of Employers

  • Schools can reopen
  • Bars may operate with diminished standing-room occupancy


Phase Three:


  • Individuals can resume public interactions


  • Resume unrestricted staffing of work sites

Specific Types of Employers

  • Visits to senior care facilities and hospitals can resume.
  • Large venues can operate under limited social distancing protocols
  • Bars may operate with increased standing room occupancy

