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The US Foreign and Commercial Service

The US Foreign and Commercial Service July 10, 2024 Episode 14:  Today, Dr. Omar Ayyash, President and CEO of the World Trade Center Kentucky interviews Mona Musa, Director of US Commercial Service in Louisville, Kentucky.  She’s also an active member of the Board of Directors for the WTCKY.  They’ll discuss opportunities available for small and…

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The Global Impact of Renewable Energy in Kentucky

The Global Impact of Renewable Energy in Kentucky Back to Blog Episode 13:  Today, Dr. Omar Ayyash, President and CEO of the World Trade Center Kentucky interviews Adam Edelen, Founder and CEO of Edelen Renewables in Lexington, Kentucky. Meet Adam Edelen Adam had a long career in government and politics, before becoming an entrepreneur.  The…

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Workforce Dynamics and Behavioral Science in Global Trade

Workforce Dynamics and Behavioral Science in Global Trade Back to Blog May 13, 2024 Episode 12:  Today, Dr. Omar Ayyash, President and CEO of the World Trade Center Kentucky interviews performance psychologist, Dr. Kozhi Maki. Meet Dr. Kozhi Makai Kozhi and his wife spend a lot of time with their young son.  As a performance…

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